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WVU Navigation Lab
Jason Gross, Professor and Chair

Derek Ross

Master's Student, Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Derek graduated from WVU with a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering in 2019. During undergraduate, he participated in WVU’s RockSat-C experimental payload team as a sub-team lead for an inertial navigation system. Derek was also a Statler Ambassador for the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, a member of the SPACE club, and the West Virginia Science Public Outreach Team. Following graduation, he started as a master’s student in the Navigation Lab in Summer 2019 as a graduate mentor for the NSF funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, supporting a team developing a robotic swarm system. He now works with the experimental drone setup for the Tunnel Navigation project, with a research focus on dynamic modeling and visual-inertial navigation. In his free time Derek enjoys hiking, fishing, and snowboarding amongst many other outdoor activities